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Early Years Education Foundations

  • Creating Environments
  • Emily Macfarlane
  • 30 Mins
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Skill Level

Unqualified Professionals


30 Mins


1 Files

Streaming Content

6 Videos


In this class Emily takes a deep dive into the 7 Areas of Learning providing you with an introduction to what they are and how we best incorporate them into our understanding and practice. You'll also explore other topics such as holistic development, the importance of learning through play and strategies to shape your environment to benefit the unique child.

Skills you'll learn

Lesson Content

1. What are The 7 Areas of Learning?


A simple question, but one that many fresh into the early years sector can struggle with, especially as long lists of expectations can be difficult to memories and quite daunting! However, don't panic we've got you covered!

2. A Deep Dive Into Each of The 7 Areas of Learning


In this lesson Emily explores each of the 7 areas in detail picking out some of the key features of each area, as well as, how we can best use them to develop our own curriculums and educational environments. Reading a long list of educational expectations is one thing, but how do we best put them into practice day to day? Thankfully with Emily's help we make this super easy to understand!

3. The Importance of Holistic Learning


The 7 Areas of Learning can often lead so many astray as it visibly separates out different areas of learning in a tick list format, as a result it can be so tempting to implement learning into your setting in the same way. However, children's brains aren't so organised and they certainly don't learn maths in a math zone and to read in a reading zone. Early years development requires an holistic approach to learning, which is exactly what we're going to explore in this lesson!

4. Incorporating the 7 Areas of Learning Through Play


Play, Play, Play! As early years educators it's our responsibility to figure out how we can help the unique child to achieve their 'next steps' from the 7 Areas of Learning through their play and own investigations! Understanding this is crucial and takes a deep understanding of the children you work with and a lot of practice over time...

5. The Importance of the Environment


How do you design your environments to foster holistic growth and development? In this lesson Emily explores how we can bring the 7 Areas of Learning to life across our environments to ensure the areas of learning are woven throughout our environment.

6. Outro: The 7 Areas of Learning


So that's a wrap on this Introduction to The 7 Areas of Learning! Hopefully from this class you have a better understanding of what The 7 Areas of Learning are and how best we can utilise them in practice. Remember, play is the most important thing a child can do! So it's our role to create environments and opportunities that expose children to the learning objectives in the 7 Areas through play!

Meet your teacher

Having worked in early years since the age of 16 early childhood learning means everything to me, which is why I'm so passionate about ensuring a platform dedicated to our communities learning exists. I've experienced first hand the lack of genuine and affordable learning opportunities that exist within early years and trying to provide my teams with high quality and flexible training on a non-existent budget is an impossible task. Its our mission to change this.

'I wish we found this years ago!'

Providing our teams with meaningful learning and development is so hard to achieve in the early years world as it's nearly impossible to find the time to complete any sort of in-person training, and everything online is usually so expensive. But since finding The Early Years Network I'm able to set classes and courses to specific team members who can then watch them whenever fits. The girls have really fallen in love with it and its great to hear them all talking about child education, their own learning and what video's they've watched recently.

Class FAQ'S

Are all the Network Classes included in my monthly price?

Regardless if you are a standard user or a corporate user, your membership grants you access to our entire collection of Network Classes so you can begin your educational journey with us today without any limitations.

Are there quizzes on the platform?

The Early Years Network is all about meaningful learning that will transform the way you interact with and educate young children, not attempting to fill your head with information for the sake of a quick superficial quiz.

Are videos available in different languages?

Unfortunately for the time being videos are only available in English, but maybe one day...

Can I access The Early Years Network if I don't have an early years qualification?

YES! Content on The Early Years Network has been created for people interested in early years regardless of age, experience or academic background. We have something for everyone whether you are a childminder, parent/carer or an early years professional.

Can I download the videos?

No, all videos are only accessible to stream online and require an internet connection in order to access the platform and watch the content.

Can I only access The Early Years Network on a computer?

Absolutely not, The Early Years Network has been optimised to be used on any device from your mobile phone to your tablet! Our flexible approach to learning embraces any and all types of device so you can learn anytime, anywhere!

Is The Early Network an accredited institution?

Whilst The Early Years Network is not an accredited body we do offer skill-based learning helping people transform knowledge and theory into meaningful change and improvement to their practice, environments and curriculum. Our Network Courses are created and hosted by leading experts within their academic fields, and upon completion of each course learners will be provided with a certificate to evidence their achievement.

Is there a minimum subscription time?

Of course not! You're free to cancel your membership whenever you like.

What is The Early Years Network?

We are a learning and development platform dedicated to the magical world of early years! We cover a wide range of topics, from child brain development to the importance of safeguarding and child wellbeing, through high-quality and immersive video content.

What subjects are covered on The Early Years Network?

We cover everything Early Years from ‘Cognitive Development Theories’, to the science behind play and even how to build the best rocket ship out of cardboard (you won't want to miss that video!). If you can think of a topic in early years we've probably got a video on it!

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