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Early Years Education Foundations

  • Pedagogy & Theory
  • Ben Jones
  • 1 Hour
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Skill Level

Trainee / Apprentice


1 Hour


1 Files

Streaming Content

6 Videos


Urie Bronfenbrenner was a renowned developmental psychologist who is best known for his ecological systems theory that highlighted the importance of considering multiple levels of influence on human development. Within this class you'll explore the idea that human beings, and especially early years children, are not isolated entities but rather embedded within a web of relationships and environments that shape their experiences and outcomes. Through the scope of Urie Bronfenbrenner, you'll explore topics such as parent partnership and the importance of culture and tradition when recognising the unique child.

Skills you'll learn

Lesson Content

1. From Moscow to the Bronx: What Inspired The Work of Urie Bronfenbrenner


Within this class you'll take a trip back in time to explore the world of Urie Bronfenbrenner and to gain a deeper understanding of the context that gave birth to his ideas and theory of early years education. Ideas, theories and concepts are not born in isolation, they're often products of their environments and inspired by the worlds and context around them at that time. Urie Bronfenbrenner was no different, so to truly understand his ideas you first need a deeper look into his world.

2. A Deep Dive Into The Ecological Systems Theory


In this lesson you'll explore the foundation of Urie Bronfenbrenner's ideas and take a deep dive into his Ecological Systems Theory. By exploring the 5 systems that Bronfenbrenner lays out you'll gain an understanding of the complexity of interconnected worlds that influence a child's knowledge, behaviours, values and so much more! With the rise of digital and social media our worlds are becoming ever more complex and interconnected which is why it's so important we have a strong understanding of the ways in which these systems influence a child and what we can do to support healthy development.

3. The Importance of Cultivating a Sense Of Belonging


This is the first of three lessons exploring some practical usages of Urie Bronfenbrenner's theory in modern day settings, schools and homes. In this lesson you'll kick things off with a look at the importance of children feeling a sense of belonging within their educational settings, home, local community etc..as well as, someways in which we can help promote this feeling of belonging within our settings.

4. Relationships Being At The Heart of Learning


The next practical usage is our relationships and the relationships children have with other teachers, family members, friends etc...Through the eyes of Bronfenbrenner relationships were a pivotal aspect of a child's environment and thus a major component of their learning, understanding of the world and overall development. In this lesson you'll explore the importance of relationships in the early years to provide children with the safe space they require to explore their own curiosity, wonder and awe.

5. The Unique Child


Within this class you'll explore the importance of recognising the 'Unique Child' through the eyes of Urie Bronfenbrenner, especially focusing on the importance of the environment and child led exploration and enquiry. We all know that children aren't robots but so often our curriculums resemble tick lists straight out of the EYFS with little regard for the individuals child's needs and context.

6. Urie Bronfenbrenner in the 21st Century


With the recent technological boom across the globe, the growth of social media online and the ease at which young children are now accessing tablets and other technological devices, the world has signifcantly shifted since the days of Urie Bronfenbrenner's work. So to has our understanding of child development and the ways in which our brains best grow and ascertain new information. However, how much of his work is still relevant in this day and age? Can we still use his Ecological Systems theory to provide us with an understanding of how a child's environments impact them in different complex ways?

Meet your teacher

As an owner of multiple settings across the United Kingdom, I truly understand the difficult challenges our industry and the people within it face on a daily basis. Which is why I'm so resolute in providing change for our industry through a platform that offers meaningful and accessible learning, to not only improve practice and children's outcomes, but also to provide the incredible people within our community with a meaningful voice to share their work and passion.

'They've helped me re-find my spark and passion for early years!'

After losing my love of Early Years and taking a 10 year break from the sector, I have found The Early Years network!!. It has totally opened my eyes to how much the industry has evolved and has sparked my passion to retrain. Their videos have reminded me why I loved early years so much, and I can't wait to be back in practice again.

Class FAQ'S

Are all the Network Classes included in my monthly price?

Regardless if you are a standard user or a corporate user, your membership grants you access to our entire collection of Network Classes so you can begin your educational journey with us today without any limitations.

Are there quizzes on the platform?

The Early Years Network is all about meaningful learning that will transform the way you interact with and educate young children, not attempting to fill your head with information for the sake of a quick superficial quiz.

Are videos available in different languages?

Unfortunately for the time being videos are only available in English, but maybe one day...

Can I access The Early Years Network if I don't have an early years qualification?

YES! Content on The Early Years Network has been created for people interested in early years regardless of age, experience or academic background. We have something for everyone whether you are a childminder, parent/carer or an early years professional.

Can I download the videos?

No, all videos are only accessible to stream online and require an internet connection in order to access the platform and watch the content.

Can I only access The Early Years Network on a computer?

Absolutely not, The Early Years Network has been optimised to be used on any device from your mobile phone to your tablet! Our flexible approach to learning embraces any and all types of device so you can learn anytime, anywhere!

Is The Early Network an accredited institution?

Whilst The Early Years Network is not an accredited body we do offer skill-based learning helping people transform knowledge and theory into meaningful change and improvement to their practice, environments and curriculum. Our Network Courses are created and hosted by leading experts within their academic fields, and upon completion of each course learners will be provided with a certificate to evidence their achievement.

Is there a minimum subscription time?

Of course not! You're free to cancel your membership whenever you like.

What is The Early Years Network?

We are a learning and development platform dedicated to the magical world of early years! We cover a wide range of topics, from child brain development to the importance of safeguarding and child wellbeing, through high-quality and immersive video content.

What subjects are covered on The Early Years Network?

We cover everything Early Years from ‘Cognitive Development Theories’, to the science behind play and even how to build the best rocket ship out of cardboard (you won't want to miss that video!). If you can think of a topic in early years we've probably got a video on it!

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