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Early Years Education Foundations

  • Pedagogy & Theory
  • Ben Jones
  • 45 Mins
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1739539432 9439fd89f2ef321651a3eecfa30929ccba8173505f149ee6b9655aee87cfdbe9 d
Skill Level

Trainee / Apprentice


45 Mins


1 Files

Streaming Content

6 Videos


Join Ben on an educational journey across the globe as you visit New Zealand, the homeland of the Te Whāriki and the home to a rich and diverse mix of ethnicities and cultural backgrounds. As a result of such ethnic diversity amongst it's population, including the indigenous Māroi population, the Te Whāriki has been created to protect, strengthen and celebrate the cultural identity of the Māori people, and all other communities and ethnicities that call New Zealand home. "Unique in its bicultural framing, Te Whāriki expresses our vision that all children grow up in New Zealand as competent and confident learners, strong in their identity, language and culture. It emphasises our bicultural foundation, our multicultural present and the shared future we are creating. It encourages all children to learn in their own ways, supported by adults who know them well and have their best interests at heart." This class presents an incredible opportunity to explore key insights and learning from this unique approach to Early Years and the importance of communities, culture and identity for young children and their families.

Skills you'll learn

Lesson Content

1. The Four Principles Of The Te Whāriki


The Te Whāriki provides a framework of principles, strands, goals and learning outcomes that prioritises the mana of the child and emphasises respectful, reciprocal and responsive relationships. This framework provides a basis for each setting to ‘weave’ a local curriculum that reflects its own distinctive character and values. In this class we'll be exploring the 4 principles that are woven into the Te Whāriki along with the learning strands that you'll explore within the coming lessons.

2. Mana Atua - The Wellbeing Strand


In lesson 2 you'll explore the first of the Te Whāriki's strands, which is the Mana Atua (the wellbeing strand) that dives into topics such as keeping themselves healthy and caring for themselves (te oranga nui), managing themselves and expressing their feelings and needs (te whakahua whakaaro) and keeping themselves and others safe from harm (te noho haumaru).

3. Mana Whenua - The Belonging Strand


In lesson 3 you'll explore the Mana Whenua strand of the Te Whāriki's, which is all about the concept of Belonging and dives into topics such as making connections between people, places & things in their world (te waihanga hononga), taking part in caring for this place (te manaaki i te taiao), understanding how things work here and adapting to change (te mārama ki te āhua o ngā whakahaere me te mōhio ki te panoni) and showing respect for kaupapa, rules and the rights of others (te mahi whakaute).

4. Mana Tangata - The Contribution Strand


In lesson 4 you'll explore the Mana Tangata strand of the Te Whāriki's, which is all about the concept of Contribution and dives into topics such as treating others fairly and including them in play (te ngākau makuru), recognising and appreciating their own ability to learn (te rangatiratanga), using a range of strategies and skills to play and learn with others (te ngākau aroha).

5. Mana Reo - The Communication Strand


In lesson 5 you'll explore the Mana Reo strand of the Te Whāriki's, which is all about the concept of Communication and dives into topics such as using gesture and movement to express themselves (he kōrero ā-tinana), understanding oral language and using it for a range of purposes (he kōrero ā-waha), expressing their feelings and ideas using a wide range of materials and modes (he kōrero auaha) and recognising symbols and concepts and using them with enjoyment, meaning and purpose (he kōrero tuhituhi).

6. Mana Aotūroa - The Exploration Strand


In lesson 6 you'll explore the Mana Aotūroa strand of the Te Whāriki's, which is all about the concept of Exploration and dives into topics such as playing, imagining, inventing and experimenting (te whakaaro me te tūhurahura i te pūtaiao), moving confidently and challenging themselves physically (te wero ā-tinana), using a range of strategies for reasoning and problem solving (te hīraurau hopanga), making sense of their worlds by generating and refining working theories (te rangahau me te mātaurang).

Meet your teacher

As an owner of multiple settings across the United Kingdom, I truly understand the difficult challenges our industry and the people within it face on a daily basis. Which is why I'm so resolute in providing change for our industry through a platform that offers meaningful and accessible learning, to not only improve practice and children's outcomes, but also to provide the incredible people within our community with a meaningful voice to share their work and passion.

'Take control of your child's learning.'

We signed up to The Early Years Network after loosing confidence in our child's previous setting and wanted to gain a better understanding around early years development and how our child should be learning. To say The Early Years Network completely changed our outlook of early years is putting it lightly! We'd highly recommend any new parents to sign up and take an active role in their child's learning during the early years period.

Class FAQ'S

Are all the Network Classes included in my monthly price?

Regardless if you are a standard user or a corporate user, your membership grants you access to our entire collection of Network Classes so you can begin your educational journey with us today without any limitations.

Are there quizzes on the platform?

The Early Years Network is all about meaningful learning that will transform the way you interact with and educate young children, not attempting to fill your head with information for the sake of a quick superficial quiz.

Are videos available in different languages?

Unfortunately for the time being videos are only available in English, but maybe one day...

Can I access The Early Years Network if I don't have an early years qualification?

YES! Content on The Early Years Network has been created for people interested in early years regardless of age, experience or academic background. We have something for everyone whether you are a childminder, parent/carer or an early years professional.

Can I download the videos?

No, all videos are only accessible to stream online and require an internet connection in order to access the platform and watch the content.

Can I only access The Early Years Network on a computer?

Absolutely not, The Early Years Network has been optimised to be used on any device from your mobile phone to your tablet! Our flexible approach to learning embraces any and all types of device so you can learn anytime, anywhere!

Is The Early Network an accredited institution?

Whilst The Early Years Network is not an accredited body we do offer skill-based learning helping people transform knowledge and theory into meaningful change and improvement to their practice, environments and curriculum. Our Network Courses are created and hosted by leading experts within their academic fields, and upon completion of each course learners will be provided with a certificate to evidence their achievement.

Is there a minimum subscription time?

Of course not! You're free to cancel your membership whenever you like.

What is The Early Years Network?

We are a learning and development platform dedicated to the magical world of early years! We cover a wide range of topics, from child brain development to the importance of safeguarding and child wellbeing, through high-quality and immersive video content.

What subjects are covered on The Early Years Network?

We cover everything Early Years from ‘Cognitive Development Theories’, to the science behind play and even how to build the best rocket ship out of cardboard (you won't want to miss that video!). If you can think of a topic in early years we've probably got a video on it!

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