Early Years Network for Parents & Carers

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'Every parent needs The Early Years Network, I wasn't sure at first with it being for professionals in the industry but as a first time mum it's the best investment I've made!!'

Before we found the platform via instagram we really struggled with our little boys behaviour and didn't really understand the importance behind emotional intelligence and the support children need to develop self-regulation skills. A lot of his baby years were spent in lockdown and when he first joined a nursery setting his behaviour negatively spiralled. The setting he attended labeled him as a 'naughty child' and didn't really offer support or any guidance. Through a bit of searching I stumbled across The Early Years Network who have completed changed our approach towards managing his behaviour and ways we can help him cope with difficult feelings and understanding emotions. We both love The Early Years Network and would strongly recommend parents to subscribe!

Parents & Carers

The Early Years Network is for parents too!

We're not only here for the early years professionals, we also help parents to create fantastic early childhoods.

Clear understanding

Learn how important your child’s first five years really are and how we as adults can best support early years children.

Ideas & inspiration

Keep your child developing whilst at home with activity ideas and teaching strategies from the industries leading educators.

Understanding behaviour

Access industry leading professionals to gain an insight into children’s emotional wellbeing and how we can support and shape behaviour.

The future of early years learning

Parents & Carers

Nobody is ever taught how to become a good mum, dad or carer...in-fact nobody even really explains how important early years development actually is and how children during this vital stage of development best learn and grow. We no longer want healthy and successful childhood development to be a big industry secret! 

Through the Early Years Network parents can unlock the wonder of early childhood education, how we can best support emotional development and provide children with the very best start to life.

Key Points

  • Learn from exactly the same content as industry professionals
  • Focus in on topics that impact your day to day lives
  • Give your little one all they need for holistic development
Parents happy
Learn all about early years

Dive into the amazing world of early years

Our understanding of brain development and how children best grow and develop the brain architecture and neurological network they need for future learning and later life is advancing at a rapid rate! Not only is it vital that the early years industry understands the science behind early childhood brain development and what we as adults can do to best support educational, cognitive, emotional and physical development, but it's also crucial that this knowledge is available for parents.

Children spend so much time at home with parents and this time is just as important as when they're at their educational setting. Our aim is to provide families with the knowledge and confidence to help their little ones make the very best start to life!

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